School Policies
School Policies
The following are some reminders of our rules and policies. If you have any further questions, please call or email us to discuss these further. Thank you.
Dress Code
Be sure your child is dressed appropriately in play clothes and for the weather each day. Bring a change of clothes for emergencies and please be sure your child’s clothing has his/her name clearly marked.
The children will not be allowed to bring toys to the Center (exception: Show and Share.)
For infants and toddlers, diapered children must arrive in and use disposable diapers for sanitary reasons. Please furnish diapers by the sleeve, or at least 5-6 daily. They will be marked with your child’s name, and you will be notified when your supply runs low. All bottles and baby food must be clearly labeled with your child’s name. Please provide extra clothing.
Please, for your child’s safety, NO open-toe shoes, jellies, or slip-on shoes. Sneakers are best for active play.
Please apply sunscreen each morning. If you have a permission slip on file with the front desk, teachers will be happy to reapply as needed throughout the day.
Illnesses & Medications
When there are symptoms of illness or other indications that a child is not well enough for group activities, arrangements must be made for the child’s care at home. The school has no provisions for the care of children who are ill. Proper care at the beginning of an illness can often shorten its duration.
Any child who has a fever, vomiting, diarrhea, or pink eye must be picked up immediately. If your child has had these symptoms during the night, please do not bring him or her to the Center, as he or she is probably very contagious. Your child must stay at home from school the entire next day and may return to the Center only after the symptoms have disappeared without the aid of medication.
Please notify the Center as soon as possible if your child has been exposed to any communicable diseases or infectious illnesses. By the same token, the Center will notify the parents if the child has been exposed at school.
All medications must be up to date and in their original containers. No medications will be dispensed without a completed and signed medication form. Doctor prescriptions will be dispensed according to the doctor’s instructions. No over-the-counter medicine will be dispensed.
Hurricanes and Inclement Weather
In case of inclement weather, we will follow the same procedures as the Seminole County Public Schools. However, we will reopen when we deem it safe. Announcements will be made via our website, Facebook, School Voicemail, a message on our Brightwheel app, and through text blasts.
Please keep your child’s birthday celebration simple by bringing a special morning snack for the class that day. Please coordinate with your child’s teacher for the amount of the appropriate snack needed. Due to Health Department regulations, food provided by parents for special occasions such as birthdays must be store purchased with the ingredients clearly labeled.
We also invite you to join in the “Birthday Book” program. We ask you to donate a book to the center on your child’s birthday. A special name plate will be placed in the front of the book to honor your child. You may also include a picture of your child on the inside cover. We hope this will add to the excitement of your child’s birthday. The center thanks you in advance for your donation that will help us maintain a quality library.
Late Pickup
The Center is open between the hours of 7:00am and 6:00pm, Monday through Friday. A late pickup fee of $1.00 per child per minute, will be charged after your chosen program end time.
Late Tuition
Tuition payments are processed through FACTS Tuition Management. Tuition is set on an annual basis and divided evenly over the number of weeks in the school year. Holidays falling within a given month have already been considered. Prorated rates are not available for days missed due to illness or vacation. In the unfortunate event that a child must be withdrawn from the center, two weeks’ advanced notice is required.
During registration, families sign a form that permits their children to be photographed or videotaped. Pictures of children may periodically be published on this website unless otherwise instructed.
Child’s Folder
Your child’s papers and projects are placed inside his/her folder found in the classroom or in the front lobby. Other communications will also be placed in it. Please remember to check it daily.
The center reserves the right to terminate the enrollment of any child.
Family Involvement
Family involvement is a crucial link between the child’s home and school. Our open-door policy encourages parents to be a part of their child’s day. Please note, that parents must be fingerprinted by the Diocese.