Registration Requirements For Enrollment for 2020-21


Any available positions will be filled by:

  • Those registered and supporting the Parish, with siblings already attending the Center.
  • Those registered and supporting the Parish at large.
  • Those registered and supporting another Catholic parish.
  • The registration, supply and insurance fees are annual, non-refundable and due at time of registration in cash or check.


Tuition payments are processed through FACTS Tuition Management. Tuition is set on an annual basis and divided evenly over the number of weeks in the school year. Holidays falling within a given month have already been considered. Prorated rates are not available for days missed due to illness or vacation. In the unfortunate event that a child must be withdrawn from the center, two weeks’ advanced notice is required.

Prospective family letter and tuition rates 24-25


Upon acceptance, you will receive an enrollment form which should be completed and signed immediately. All children will need to have proof of a recent physical and an up-to-date immunization on record. These are required by State Law and this policy is strictly enforced.

Also, on occasion, visitors request to take photographs while touring our facilities. As part of the registration process, families have been asked to sign a form which permits their children to be photographed or video taped. If you do not give your consent, kindly submit a written notice to the Director.